March 2025

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This is the first edition of three when we will feature articles on intercession, and I am grateful to our precious friend Brian Mills for his significant contribution and to our own Di Payne who is training us in intercession.

We believe that, taken seriously, intercession for the nations will bear much fruit! The scripture we take to heart is Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Our intercessions are aimed to prepare the nations to be impacted by the Kingdom of God for the return of Jesus.

We are grateful for what the Lord is doing through the Forges with amazing testimonies from Leeds and Scotland. The Fireside, which is being done differently in 2025, is still an important part of our ministry.

There are great reports from DRC and Nigeria, please pray our ministry to the nations will continue to be fruitful.
We still have a few spaces on our Biannual Supporters Weekend on 21-23 March, it will be an exciting weekend, do still consider attending!

As you will see the 2nd Flame book is now on sale! With grateful thanks to Jon Liggins, our author, who has given many hours for this project.

Finally, the UKRAINE APPEAL. Thank you for your continued support to Flame International. I want to thank over one hundred supporters who contributed to this appeal. We have raised over £19,000 since 1 November and that does not include the Gift Aid. It has been thrilling to see the Lord touch hearts with gifts from £10 to up to £1000 and every single gift has been so appreciated from the widow’s mite to the generous larger donors more able to give. We pray for blessing for each of you. I am so grateful to all who have contributed to the two missions we will run in June and August this year!

Blessings Galore!
Jan Ransom, Founder & Director of  Flame International

Latest magazine articles 

Intercession: A ministry from Heaven
March 6th, 2025
Have you ever felt in anguish as you prayed? Jesus did. Have you ever cried or wept while praying? Jesus did. Have you ever groaned or felt burdened as you prayed? Jesus did. Have you ever wept about or over a city? Jesus did. These more physical or emotional aspects of our humanity were in evidence as Jesus prayed. It’s what happens when we ‘intercede’. Our humanity and his deity become linked. H...
Intercession: A Road Map
March 6th, 2025
What, more on intercession?! We already have Hubs and intercession on missions. And as for a road map, don’t we all use sat nav these days? What is intercession?Looking first at what intercession is, there is a difference between working through something with the Lord and the arrow prayers of specific - usually time-limited - needs. Intercession is but one of the “all kinds of prayers and request...
Field Report: Silk Road
March 6th, 2025
As Flame seeks to minister more along the Silk Roads there are a few things that become immediately part of the package:1. We are ministering in nations that are largely unreached2. The dominant religion is not Christianity3. The Church is persecutedOur brothers and sisters in the nations along the Silk Roads are often under much heavier persecution for their faith than we are. More restrictions, ...
Field Report - DRC, BUKAVU
March 6th, 2025
“Baraka, Baraka, Baraka” was the shout from a group of prisoners as the Flame team walked out of the Central Prison, Bukavu at the end of their visit. The men stood with arms and fists extended as they shouted Baraka over us. More of what this was all about later in the report.“I will deal with all who oppressed you. I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered. I will give them...
News from the Forges in Leeds and Glasgow
March 6th, 2025
Brilliant, Rewarding, Challenging, Supportive and Fulfilling. Tender, Sensitive and Powerful.“Every meeting God opened me up and healed areas I was previously unaware of.”“Wonderful scripture-based teaching. I have learnt new truths and have gone deeper with my understanding about who I am in Christ and who God is and his steadfast love.”“I have been deeply touched in so many ways on this course. ...
C2C Healing
March 6th, 2025
C2C Healing and Training DayIt never ceases to amaze me how God opens opportunities to minister through divine appointments. The recent Healing Day for the charity C2C in Northampton is a wonderful example of this. While on holiday, Jan got into conversation with the founder of C2C and during this conversation the founder realised she’d heard of Flame through her CEO. The CEO just happened to be s...
Field Report: NIGERIA
March 6th, 2025
Humbled by the faith and obedience of the people we met.Laying burdens at the cross and walking away feeling lightness, joy and freedom.These are the lasting memories I believe the Lord impressed upon me during this mission. The people are leading no ordinary life – from poverty-stricken men and women who’ve lost everything to people who are deliberately stepping into danger for the sake of the go...
BOOKS: Intercessory Prayer
March 6th, 2025
Some time ago I was speaking with two leaders of intercessory ministries who were working together on a project to build a School of Prayer for the nations. I asked them what book they’d suggest for me to read to really get to grips with what intercession is about. Without hesitation they said, “Intercessory Prayer, by Dutch Sheets”.Dutch Sheets approaches some foundational questions about our rol...
Ministry on the Silk Road
October 31st, 2024
The Silk Road refers to the vast expanse of Asia that stretches from Istanbul in the West to Xi’an in China in the East. It is the name of the ancient trade route that brought silk from China to the markets of Europe, although it should be called ‘Silk Roads’ as it was a network of routes that traversed Central Asia, and modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. Moreover, it was not just ...
RECCE: Ukraine
October 31st, 2024
“Attention! Air Alarm!” – cue siren sound from the mobile phone on the bedside table. ‘Passport, phone, wallet’ – the ‘mantra’ of essentials, then off to the safe room or shelter while sometimes hearing the mournful, rise-and-fall wail of the air raid warning sirens outside. A regular pattern during the night (especially but not always) during this recce mission to Ukraine.But rewind a few weeks t...

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