Middle East 2023
“Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” Psalm 37:7
The team, Jan, Robert and Sharokine, Di Payne, Karen Kendall, Robert Tanton and Gareth Barton thank you all for your prayers which have been answered in abundance. We knew we were being prayed for and we saw the hand of the Lord throughout the conference.
We had three days of intercession led by Di and we know that there was a shift in the heavenlies, and we felt the preparation was complete on the final day. We are so grateful to Di for coming to lead us, it was an extraordinary time and it lifted our faith.
We started with a disappointment that three delegates could not leave Cyprus, as their documentation was not complete, despite asking 5 times before we booked their flights. They were so embarrassed about the flight costs. They so needed this teaching. So, we managed to live stream the Seminar to them, and they really benefitted. Jan had a Zoom call with them. It is clear that they have been cursed, but due to time constraints we could not minister to them during the Seminar. We will call them in the coming days to pray with them for deliverance.
The first day was a struggle because the teaching was so new to them and one or two were very distracted, and we had to press in. After Forgiveness teaching on day 2, we felt something shift in the heavenly realms and their faces changed from being downcast to joyous. It was a slow response from them, but heartfelt and not just because we asked them to forgive. We knew that relationships in the room were being reconciled.
The prayer ministry groups took time to establish, although the women were very hungry for healing and after initial concerns, I know there was much healing. The men took a bit of time, but they too were receiving healing, it just took time to be able to speak it out. On the last morning, a man who had been distracted all week, came and said the teaching had been “too hot” and he could not handle it. He asked for prayer for depression and darkness. He received some relief, but I have suggested he listens to the Fireside teachings. He speaks very good English, so please pray he will do this!
We give thanks that Gareth got several testimonies, and I would ask you to pray that we will be able to produce a report for fund raising. This ministry is not cheap, flying them out of a nation that we cannot go into. They need this ministry, and we need funding!
These Farsi speaking delegates live in a very difficult dominating, intimidating culture. Most cannot go to church for fear of their lives. The only teaching they get is off the internet, but much of this is filtered. We learned so much about the fear of persecution and interrogation. Please pray that these delegates will be able to know they are the head and not the tail, that the Lord has a plan for their lives, as they live under intense oppression. Please pray the Lord would continue to set them free in every way. So many are isolated and lonely, the fellowship at this Seminar was also important to them.
I attach some testimonies below, but as this is a long report, I have put them below the signature block, so you can read them when you have time.
I know so many have been praying and the team and delegates are so grateful that people from around the world have been praying for them.
With grateful thanks,
Jan and the team
The team, Jan, Robert and Sharokine, Di Payne, Karen Kendall, Robert Tanton and Gareth Barton thank you all for your prayers which have been answered in abundance. We knew we were being prayed for and we saw the hand of the Lord throughout the conference.
We had three days of intercession led by Di and we know that there was a shift in the heavenlies, and we felt the preparation was complete on the final day. We are so grateful to Di for coming to lead us, it was an extraordinary time and it lifted our faith.
We started with a disappointment that three delegates could not leave Cyprus, as their documentation was not complete, despite asking 5 times before we booked their flights. They were so embarrassed about the flight costs. They so needed this teaching. So, we managed to live stream the Seminar to them, and they really benefitted. Jan had a Zoom call with them. It is clear that they have been cursed, but due to time constraints we could not minister to them during the Seminar. We will call them in the coming days to pray with them for deliverance.
The first day was a struggle because the teaching was so new to them and one or two were very distracted, and we had to press in. After Forgiveness teaching on day 2, we felt something shift in the heavenly realms and their faces changed from being downcast to joyous. It was a slow response from them, but heartfelt and not just because we asked them to forgive. We knew that relationships in the room were being reconciled.
The prayer ministry groups took time to establish, although the women were very hungry for healing and after initial concerns, I know there was much healing. The men took a bit of time, but they too were receiving healing, it just took time to be able to speak it out. On the last morning, a man who had been distracted all week, came and said the teaching had been “too hot” and he could not handle it. He asked for prayer for depression and darkness. He received some relief, but I have suggested he listens to the Fireside teachings. He speaks very good English, so please pray he will do this!
We give thanks that Gareth got several testimonies, and I would ask you to pray that we will be able to produce a report for fund raising. This ministry is not cheap, flying them out of a nation that we cannot go into. They need this ministry, and we need funding!
These Farsi speaking delegates live in a very difficult dominating, intimidating culture. Most cannot go to church for fear of their lives. The only teaching they get is off the internet, but much of this is filtered. We learned so much about the fear of persecution and interrogation. Please pray that these delegates will be able to know they are the head and not the tail, that the Lord has a plan for their lives, as they live under intense oppression. Please pray the Lord would continue to set them free in every way. So many are isolated and lonely, the fellowship at this Seminar was also important to them.
I attach some testimonies below, but as this is a long report, I have put them below the signature block, so you can read them when you have time.
I know so many have been praying and the team and delegates are so grateful that people from around the world have been praying for them.
With grateful thanks,
Jan and the team

I attach six testimonies from the Seminar. There were more, some that were voiced but many that were not!
N: told us that she found it hard to speak…. but that she has loved Jesus since she was 7 years old. She cannot compare his love with any other! When she watched the drama of the emotional healing and the water pouring, and the jar overflowing, she saw that this was like her problems. For three years her “water had been overflowing” with anger, she had withdrawn from people, saying she had blamed herself; she had forgotten God. She had bitterness in her heart. That it was hurting her bones, it was heavy, and she felt arthritis on her neck. She said, “All these problems have now come out, off my neck, and suddenly I feel much lighter”. She is able to forgive herself and others for all these problems.
I: Said she was very happy and thanked us for coming. That although the team’s lives might be different from theirs, they appreciate that we have come, loved them, sat with them, listened to them, blessed and served them. She said that “we have changed this week”, she could see God's work in each one of them. From the day they first came she said, "We can see a difference how we are, you have helped to bring us to the cross”. She said that when they came, we were tired, there had been no one to hear them. God has reminded them he will always see them and hear them; he says to them he will always be with them. "We have left our pain at the cross and we are going back with joy and happiness. What we have received we can give to others.”
B said, 'May God bless you.' She shared how in their hometown many of them have no church to go to, nowhere to gather together to worship or celebrate. They are often alone, lonely and isolated. This has affected their relationship with God. The seminars have reminded them of what's most important and about the issues that they've had, but were too scared to talk about, and didn't want to face. She thought that she had previously forgiven people for what they have done, but now she knows for sure. “God is great! he has bought salvation,” although she would be shaking, she could face the fears and will speak to God face to face!
N saw a picture of a person stooped, carrying a heavy weight and realised she had back pain because of what she has been carrying for many years. She has realized she's adding more and more pain through the journey of her life. She wanted to be the best mother and wife, trying to do her best, but was just getting worse and worse. She wants us to know she has put these burdens down and is standing straight. Although she still has the scars, they are like those Jesus had for the nails. She can see this week that Jesus has done a great work, “thank you and thank you Holy Spirit for revealing this to us.” She has forgiven herself for oppressing herself. There will be lots of traumas in life, this is normal, but this teaching will make her a light in the world to help others to be set free from their pain, thank you.
A praised the Lord for this opportunity and for the conference which had provided all the “points” he needed to hear. He had realized he'd been wounded for many years, because of the ministry he had been in. He thought the wound was covered over, that he had forgiven, but realised he didn't know the difference between forgiving and forgetting. The teaching yesterday had opened the wound again and brought up the bitterness. After that, when they were sitting and praying, and Robert had said “you need to forgive” he realized he had not forgiven. It came out! “Praise the Lord!” all the wounds from these brothers were washed away.” He knows the wound is closed now, the scar is still there but the hatred and hurt is finished. He can understand what Jesus said on the cross, 'I forgive them for they know not what they do.'
M shared how she had been very unhappy in her life and had difficulty with particular relationships. She was struggling to live; it was as if something was in her throat stopping her breathing. She did not want to live. Before coming she had taken advice from some friends about her problems, she listened to them and wanted to respect their advice. But since being at the conference she now wants to look only to the advice of Jesus, not her friends. She's feeling so much better and some of the relationships already are better.
N: told us that she found it hard to speak…. but that she has loved Jesus since she was 7 years old. She cannot compare his love with any other! When she watched the drama of the emotional healing and the water pouring, and the jar overflowing, she saw that this was like her problems. For three years her “water had been overflowing” with anger, she had withdrawn from people, saying she had blamed herself; she had forgotten God. She had bitterness in her heart. That it was hurting her bones, it was heavy, and she felt arthritis on her neck. She said, “All these problems have now come out, off my neck, and suddenly I feel much lighter”. She is able to forgive herself and others for all these problems.
I: Said she was very happy and thanked us for coming. That although the team’s lives might be different from theirs, they appreciate that we have come, loved them, sat with them, listened to them, blessed and served them. She said that “we have changed this week”, she could see God's work in each one of them. From the day they first came she said, "We can see a difference how we are, you have helped to bring us to the cross”. She said that when they came, we were tired, there had been no one to hear them. God has reminded them he will always see them and hear them; he says to them he will always be with them. "We have left our pain at the cross and we are going back with joy and happiness. What we have received we can give to others.”
B said, 'May God bless you.' She shared how in their hometown many of them have no church to go to, nowhere to gather together to worship or celebrate. They are often alone, lonely and isolated. This has affected their relationship with God. The seminars have reminded them of what's most important and about the issues that they've had, but were too scared to talk about, and didn't want to face. She thought that she had previously forgiven people for what they have done, but now she knows for sure. “God is great! he has bought salvation,” although she would be shaking, she could face the fears and will speak to God face to face!
N saw a picture of a person stooped, carrying a heavy weight and realised she had back pain because of what she has been carrying for many years. She has realized she's adding more and more pain through the journey of her life. She wanted to be the best mother and wife, trying to do her best, but was just getting worse and worse. She wants us to know she has put these burdens down and is standing straight. Although she still has the scars, they are like those Jesus had for the nails. She can see this week that Jesus has done a great work, “thank you and thank you Holy Spirit for revealing this to us.” She has forgiven herself for oppressing herself. There will be lots of traumas in life, this is normal, but this teaching will make her a light in the world to help others to be set free from their pain, thank you.
A praised the Lord for this opportunity and for the conference which had provided all the “points” he needed to hear. He had realized he'd been wounded for many years, because of the ministry he had been in. He thought the wound was covered over, that he had forgiven, but realised he didn't know the difference between forgiving and forgetting. The teaching yesterday had opened the wound again and brought up the bitterness. After that, when they were sitting and praying, and Robert had said “you need to forgive” he realized he had not forgiven. It came out! “Praise the Lord!” all the wounds from these brothers were washed away.” He knows the wound is closed now, the scar is still there but the hatred and hurt is finished. He can understand what Jesus said on the cross, 'I forgive them for they know not what they do.'
M shared how she had been very unhappy in her life and had difficulty with particular relationships. She was struggling to live; it was as if something was in her throat stopping her breathing. She did not want to live. Before coming she had taken advice from some friends about her problems, she listened to them and wanted to respect their advice. But since being at the conference she now wants to look only to the advice of Jesus, not her friends. She's feeling so much better and some of the relationships already are better.
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