News from the Forges in Leeds and Glasgow

Brilliant, Rewarding, Challenging, Supportive and Fulfilling. Tender, Sensitive and Powerful.

“Every meeting God opened me up and healed areas I was previously unaware of.”

“Wonderful scripture-based teaching. I have learnt new truths and have gone deeper with my understanding about who I am in Christ and who God is and his steadfast love.”

“I have been deeply touched in so many ways on this course. The ministry time at the end of each session has set me free from burdens and restrictions from the past. Thank you. I have been telling everyone about this course. I think it is the best I have ever been on, especially the acceptance and safe environment.”

“An Apprenticeship! I felt accepted and found healing yet have learned how to pray in specific ways, to discern, to be more confident in hearing what God has said and to share these words to others.”

“The biggest change is instead of saying, ‘I will pray for you’, I say, ‘Let’s pray’.”

“I felt welcome and peaceful, and learnt so much. I had a fall and couldn’t walk and realised that I have the authority to pray and heal. Now I am healed. This is a journey I wish to continue and people at work have seen the difference in me.”

“I loved the dramas, and I think they brought home the teaching.”

“My prayers were answered. I was healed and delivered from various traumas.”

“This is my second time on Forge 1and I have received tremendous healing both times. I am so encouraged.”

“Come, follow Me”, were the words Jesus spoke to ordinary people as he gathered his disciples. ‘At once’ and ‘immediately, they left their boats and their father and followed him’. (Matthew 4, Mark 1)

This call to grow closer to Jesus and follow him touched the hearts of those who joined the Forge course in Leeds and Glasgow. To be discipled through the Word of God and intentionally position themselves to be vulnerable to the work of the Holy Spirt. The journey of these men and women has been engaging, exciting and joyful, if at times a bit scary. As disciples of Jesus, we are given ‘power and authority to drive out all evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.’ (Matthew 10), to preach the Gospel (Luke 9, Matthew 28). Confronting the spiritual realities of trauma and emotional pain in the name of Jesus is part of our Christian heritage. Seeing Jesus at work in us and through us is pure joy where worship to God is the only response to healing and freedom. Such has been the experience of many on the Forge Discipleship Course.

All the praise, honour and glory go to the one who shed his precious blood on the Cross in order that everyone can receive salvation, forgiveness of sin, healing and life. Amazingly we have the privilege and joy of watching Jesus working in the lives of those who seek him with all their heart, to bring wholeness and fulness of life.

Our Forges in the North have been running in Leeds and in Scotland since 2021.

Forge 1 (N) started in the Leeds on Zoom when COVID prevented us from meeting in person but after three sessions we met in the Leeds Chinese Christian Church (LCCC). Since then, we’ve run three Forge 1 (N) courses and two Forge 2 (N).

In Scotland we started in Fife in 2021 with one weekend, then moved to Perth in 2022. Encouraged by a small beginning at Refuel ‘22, the full Forge consisting of three weekends came into being in Perth from a simple statement and stake in the ground placed in 2021 in Letham, Fife. It was as though God was testing us in the small things to then entrust us with more. At Refuel ‘23 we started our seminar programme and ministry appointments. We were so encouraged when some of our teaching sessions were overwhelmingly full and overflowing. We put this down to prayer and joining with Ellel Ministries Blairmore for one of our teachings. Unity really does command the blessing, and we developed this fruitful partnership in Refuel ‘24. We were blown away by the goodness of God when we shared ministry teams and helped each other during the seminars. We both witnessed an increase in attendance at the teaching sessions and more people came for prayer ministry than ever before. The joy of working in unity was a delight and beautiful to see. Out of this came Forge 1 (Scotland) in Glasgow, first in 2023, then again in 2024. Both courses were well attended. It was clear that God’s plans and purposes were being fulfilled as he drew in not only from Refuel ‘23 and ‘24 but from a wider reach across the nation. The Forges in Glasgow have attracted intercessors with a prophetic gifting and a passion to see revival return to Scotland. The eagerness for discipleship has generated a powerful and exciting energy that can only come from God. Most encouraging is a desire by those who have attended Forge (Scotland) to see the teaching and ministry move across Scotland. We believe doors are starting to open with an opportunity to run some teaching sessions in Dundee on 10 & 11 April 2025. These sessions are open to all who wish to participate.

Details are on the website at 

2025 will see a Forge 2 (Scotland) running in Glasgow over the following 3 weekends:
15-16 Mar / 12-13 Apr / 10-11 May

Forge 1 (Scotland) is also scheduled in Glasgow for the Autumn, as a follow on from
Refuel ‘25:
20-21 Sept / 18-19 Oct / 15-16 Nov

If you are interested in attending Forge 1 (Scotland) please register your interest on our website and be prepared to be challenged and changed by God.
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