BOOKS: Intercessory Prayer

Some time ago I was speaking with two leaders of intercessory ministries who were working together on a project to build a School of Prayer for the nations. I asked them what book they’d suggest for me to read to really get to grips with what intercession is about. Without hesitation they said, “Intercessory Prayer, by Dutch Sheets”.

Dutch Sheets approaches some foundational questions about our role in prayer. He starts by delving into God’s purposes for creating us, that, ‘God chose, from the time of the Creation, to work on the earth through humans, not independent of them.’ Dutch asks questions that many of us may still wonder, ‘Why pray? Do my prayers really matter all that much? Can my prayers actually change things? Does God need me to pray or does he just want me to pray?’ Ultimately, what the question many of us may lack deep conviction of is this, ‘Can God’s will on earth be frustrated or not accomplished if I don’t pray?’ His response, based on biblical logic, is sure to encourage all believers in their prayer lives.

It is both encouraging and comforting to hear Dutch’s stories of his own prayer life with the Lord. He shares testimonies on some instant miracles that God has done through prayer, but also highlights the importance of perseverance, exposing that ‘Lack of endurance is one of the greatest causes of defeat, especially in prayer.’

It is good to know something of the difference between intercessory prayer and other types of prayer, such as supplication. Dutch helpfully spells out the different elements of intercessory prayer and bases it on the Hebrew or Greek root words. He explains how intercession is both in relation to God and the Devil. Its basic purpose is to bring about reconciliation between God and man, and separation between man and Satan.

His insights into into travailing prayer, wrestling prayer, bearing the burdens of others, representational repentance, and intercessions for the unbelievers were all so helpful. Having this knowledge can help us partner with God’s Spirit, to be led by the Holy Spirit to intercede with confidence. When we’re feeling confused and in doubt, we often don’t pray. For others, these biblical insights might put into words what you feel the Holy Spirit is trying to do through you, and I believe that will certainly encourage you and release you into more effectiveness in your prayers.

This book will be a blessing to those who are partaking in intercession, whether it be for individuals, missions, or interceding for the nations in the Flame Intercession Hubs. Let’s pray for a release of his healing, to forcefully meet the powers of darkness on behalf of the person, and bring about freedom. Intercession is absolutely key in prayer ministry!

But whatever your prayer life is currently like, I want to encourage you that, ’The most important point I want to communicate to you through this book’, Dutch writes, ‘is that God wants to use YOU.’

Need greater faith in the power of your prayers? I suggest you read this book!

Reviewed by:
Tristan Stevenson-Coulshaw

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets Bethany House Publishers ISBN-13: 978-0764217876 Available from Amazon
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