Flame's call to the Silk Road

In the year 2010, Flame started building strong relationships with the Chinese underground church. In particular, Flame was blessed to partner and fellowship with Brother Yun, who many know as the “Heavenly Man”, and his ministry “Back to Jerusalem”. As a result, Jan received a calling from the Lord to minister to the nations in between Israel and China. Recorded in the book “Lighting Fires in the Dark”,* Jan said, “I believe we are being led by the Lord to the most unevangelised part of the world, which is in the ‘10/40 window’ heading east from Israel on the Silk roads.”
More than 10 years later we can look back and see how the Lord has led Flame to impact people groups and nations such as Armenia, the persecuted church in South Asia, Farsi speaking refugees and Syrian refugees. Today, Flame has a revived passion to reach further along the Silk Roads as the Lord has spoken once again, confirming this calling on Flame’s ministry.
We strongly believe the Lord has called Flame to minister along the Silk Roads and we believe that these roads may become the ‘Gospel Highway’, where the least evangelised nations in the world will hear the message of Christ. Flame is passionate to reach and minister the Lord’s healing, freedom and love to the people and churches in this area of the world. Our prayer and desire is that these churches will grow strong in the Lord, and be encouraged and empowered to continue the spread and growth of the Gospel in this least evangelised part of the world.
We have hope and vision to minister into new countries (as well as old) along the Silk Roads and relationship building and Kingdom-centred fellowship is key. Will you join with us to intercede for these nations and people groups? In the article by Julyan Lidstone, he expresses that many consider the Silk Roads to be “the last frontier of mission”. He gives us wonderfully helpful information which will equip our prayers and set us off on a strong foot to ministering further along the Silk Roads.
More than 10 years later we can look back and see how the Lord has led Flame to impact people groups and nations such as Armenia, the persecuted church in South Asia, Farsi speaking refugees and Syrian refugees. Today, Flame has a revived passion to reach further along the Silk Roads as the Lord has spoken once again, confirming this calling on Flame’s ministry.
We strongly believe the Lord has called Flame to minister along the Silk Roads and we believe that these roads may become the ‘Gospel Highway’, where the least evangelised nations in the world will hear the message of Christ. Flame is passionate to reach and minister the Lord’s healing, freedom and love to the people and churches in this area of the world. Our prayer and desire is that these churches will grow strong in the Lord, and be encouraged and empowered to continue the spread and growth of the Gospel in this least evangelised part of the world.
We have hope and vision to minister into new countries (as well as old) along the Silk Roads and relationship building and Kingdom-centred fellowship is key. Will you join with us to intercede for these nations and people groups? In the article by Julyan Lidstone, he expresses that many consider the Silk Roads to be “the last frontier of mission”. He gives us wonderfully helpful information which will equip our prayers and set us off on a strong foot to ministering further along the Silk Roads.
*Extract from Flame International’s Book “Lighting Fires in the Dark”, written by Jonathan Liggins (p150)
Posted in Burning Issues
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