Field Report: Silk Road

As Flame seeks to minister more along the Silk Roads there are a few things that become immediately part of the package:
1. We are ministering in nations that are largely unreached
2. The dominant religion is not Christianity
3. The Church is persecuted

Our brothers and sisters in the nations along the Silk Roads are often under much heavier persecution for their faith than we are. More restrictions, lack of freedom, prejudices against them in the workplace and in the family, verbal and physical threats and acts, and even sometimes - jail, torture or death. We are reminded of the Lord’s words in John 15:20, “‘A servant is not greater than his master’. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.”

With the Spirit of Christ, Flame wants to serve our Farsi speaking brothers and sisters by comforting them, strengthening their faith in the Lord and showing them love. It is, therefore, a blessing to minister something of the Lord’s inner healing and deliverance to these men and woman of faith and witness the Lord bring some much-needed healing and transformation in their lives.

From our last mission to Istanbul in November 2024 perhaps one of the simplest, yet astonishing, wakeups for me was to hear the thankfulness and joy for them to come together for a conference, singing out praise to God. As one lady put it, she had been limited to whisper worship in her home for months on end, in fear of her neighbours hearing her.

I also spoke with a lady who had attended Flame’s conference the year before. She told me that she took her Flame notes back home with her and used them to lead her mother to Christ. Hallelujah!

Even though cultures and real-life scenarios can separate us a lot, we are all still people who have personal wounds, struggles with sin, fears and hopes, and the Lord wants to release us all from the things that can so easily hold us back so that we may continue to go on and serve him faithfully. The area of the world they are in is much more difficult in many ways, but the Lord uses these circumstances to his glory and is building his Church in these hard-to-reach nations. It’s through men and women such as these that the Lord is bringing many to himself. That’s why they are recorded as being, “The fastest growing church in the world”.

There was another Seminar, with the same people group, and these testimonies were released at the end of it >>

One of the delegates from a nation on the Silk Roads came and sought prayer and her bad neck pain was healed in that moment. Shortly after we split into groups and the same lady prayed with other members of the team and shared how 17 years previously someone had prayed with her and said that she had an evil spirit on her, but she did not deal with it at the time. She felt she had continued to carry that evil spirit all this time. That morning, this lady had felt God speak to her about how he wanted to restore back to her what had been stolen years before. As the prayer minister was praying, she was unaware of this, but prayed these exact words over the lady which was a strong confirmation of the work God was doing in her life, and an encouragement to the rest of the group. This allowed her to forgive her father and grandfather for the hurt they had caused her through their bad lifestyles and life choices, and she cut the generational curse. She clearly dealt with a deep root during this ministry time and her face was lifted and she looked significantly lighter after the ministry. At the end she was excited to say that she had received so much healing. We heard afterwards that when she went home, she was teaching her family and the dynamics in the relationship were healed and so much changed as a result of the changes in her life. She also prayed for the nation that she lives in and met an Immigration Officer who wanted to go to church. She took him, in spite of being a little fearful because he was from another religion, but he was glad to go and said he liked to see how other religions worshipped God. We have been praying for his salvation.

Another lady shared how her mother conceived her sister just 40 days after she was born. She’d previously forgiven her mother for the rejection she had felt, but realised she hadn’t forgiven her sister, having believed her sister had always been jealous of her. For the first time, she realised it was she that was jealous of her sister. She realised that for 15 years she was feeling an emptiness towards that sister even though she got on well with her other sisters; now she is set free because she forgave her sister. Later in ministry she continued to share about betrayal; of her father who had lots of wives and was unfaithful to her mum, her ex-husband, how her great grandfather had seven wives, and her uncle had lots of wives too. Her ex-husband spoke many curses over her. For the past three years, since her divorce her hands have been shaking and preventing her getting a job. The team checked she had been to the doctor which she had and nothing medical was found. The team cut off soul ties to the father and the ex-husband. We are not yet sure if she has been healed of the shakes.

In the men’s group, a man was a war baby and when 8 years old they lived close to the front line; his dad was barely there. He felt like an orphan. Even when his father came home injured he was angry and despised anything that reminded him of the army. However, he didn’t feel angry with the facilitators and was in-fact glad that they could understand with their military backgrounds. The team asked him, “Can you forgive your father, the army and the regime?” He could forgive all except the military and instead, he handed his judgement to Jesus (which is effectively the same thing). The team blessed the godly linking and cut the ungodly linking with his dad. After the prayer and much weeping he said he felt lighter. This was significant for this man and for the rest of the conference he could not stop smiling.
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