Intercession Hubs

’When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’ (Matthew 9:36-38)

The words of Jesus are alive today! If we make just a small effort to look at the nations that Flame ministers to, we see that there are ‘crowds’ of people hurting, broken, living in fear, and still many without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Do we have compassion on them like Jesus did? Do we have compassion on those in Central Asia, Nigeria, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Armenia, Iran, Afghanistan, Uganda, Israel, where people are desperately in need of Christ and his saving grace, whether they know it or not? Then how can we act; what can we do?

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”

It can be easy sometimes to jump over the foundational solution of prayer and jump straight into other solutions, like financial giving or even to ‘Go’. These of course, are important and God calls us to these, but let us not forsake the call to prayer. Prayer is powerful. Could our prayers move God to pour out giftings of evangelism, preaching, teaching and healing to people of these nations, without us even knowing them? Of course! Could our prayers move God to give heavenly wisdom to governmental, religious, military, business and education leaders? Of course! Could our prayers impact many people unbeknown to us, to act in Gospel work that we are unable to do? Absolutely! We must never limit the importance and effectiveness of prayer.

It can be a wrestle, praying alone for such things, but God has made us that when believers gather together, there is an increase of blessing, encouragement and strength as you meet together to further his Kingdom.

Flame is calling people to gather in Flame Intercession Hubs for prayer. The vision and purpose of these Hubs is: ’To serve toward the fulfilment of the Great Commission by interceding for the nations which Flame impacts’. Since August 2023, thirteen Intercession Hubs have formed, meeting once a month to intercede for the nations. Here are some things the Hubs are saying:

“We’ve been meeting as a group for some time, but realised we’d lost a lot of our passion praying for the nations. Being part of the Flame Hub has really helped rekindle this passion.”
“We consider it to be an absolute privilege to be interceding for nations, being active in our part of bringing the Great Commission of God. It has also given us a love for the nations as we pray for them. We are extremely grateful.”
“It is wonderful to be part of the prayer hub for Flame, to gain insight into the areas to focus prayers on and to be with a group of people who are passionate about the work of Flame International.”
“I am just excited and honoured to be together with others, knowing that our prayers are rising up as sweet incense into the throne room of God and having an impact on the ministry and countries, people and communities that Flame International has and will be going to minister in.”

Would you like to join with others to pray to the Lord of the harvest for his harvest?
For more information on joining a Flame Intercession Hub contact Tristan on
For more information about hubs please visit
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