C2C Healing
C2C Healing and Training Day
It never ceases to amaze me how God opens opportunities to minister through divine appointments. The recent Healing Day for the charity C2C in Northampton is a wonderful example of this. While on holiday, Jan got into conversation with the founder of C2C and during this conversation the founder realised she’d heard of Flame through her CEO. The CEO just happened to be someone I’d known for the 16 years I was in Northamptonshire - and so began the journey for a Healing Day.
C2C are a charity who ‘Support any individual at any stage of the Criminal Justice System by inspiring and motivating them’. The hope is that we will eventually run a healing day for the service users, however, the starting point was to deliver training to the staff. This was in order to build relationship, to introduce the staff to Flame’s teaching and - as is always the case when we run a day like this – for them to receive healing themselves. We taught into Foundations of Faith, Freedom from Fear, Forgiveness, Moving from Rejection to Acceptance, and Healing Damaged Emotions.
The majority of the staff are Christians, but not all, so it was wonderful to see those who are in the very early stages of exploring what it is to be a Christian eagerly coming forward to respond at the foot of the cross. They dealt with forgiveness and emotional healing and then came and asked for prayer.
Speaking of the day, C2C posted, “The C2C team had the honour of attending Flame International’s Teaching and Healing Day — a powerful experience that reignited our purpose. We engaged in deep conversations on breaking free from fear, embracing forgiveness, and transforming rejection into acceptance. This impactful day reminded us why we do what we do and affirmed the true purpose behind C2C’s work. Together, we’re committed to helping others find freedom, hope, and resilience.”
It never ceases to amaze me how God opens opportunities to minister through divine appointments. The recent Healing Day for the charity C2C in Northampton is a wonderful example of this. While on holiday, Jan got into conversation with the founder of C2C and during this conversation the founder realised she’d heard of Flame through her CEO. The CEO just happened to be someone I’d known for the 16 years I was in Northamptonshire - and so began the journey for a Healing Day.
C2C are a charity who ‘Support any individual at any stage of the Criminal Justice System by inspiring and motivating them’. The hope is that we will eventually run a healing day for the service users, however, the starting point was to deliver training to the staff. This was in order to build relationship, to introduce the staff to Flame’s teaching and - as is always the case when we run a day like this – for them to receive healing themselves. We taught into Foundations of Faith, Freedom from Fear, Forgiveness, Moving from Rejection to Acceptance, and Healing Damaged Emotions.
The majority of the staff are Christians, but not all, so it was wonderful to see those who are in the very early stages of exploring what it is to be a Christian eagerly coming forward to respond at the foot of the cross. They dealt with forgiveness and emotional healing and then came and asked for prayer.
Speaking of the day, C2C posted, “The C2C team had the honour of attending Flame International’s Teaching and Healing Day — a powerful experience that reignited our purpose. We engaged in deep conversations on breaking free from fear, embracing forgiveness, and transforming rejection into acceptance. This impactful day reminded us why we do what we do and affirmed the true purpose behind C2C’s work. Together, we’re committed to helping others find freedom, hope, and resilience.”

Posted in Burning Issues
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